Happy Chanukah!
Posted by on 12/25/2019 to
Wishing everyone a very Happy Chanukah or Hanukkah, whichever way you spell it!
I am sitting at home, wearing my lightest of long sleeve sweaters wondering what happened to the white Christmas everyone sings about. It is 57 degrees outside! The sun is out and the sky is blue! Am I in Florida? Nope; I am here in Chicago, worrying that the months of January and February will be payback time with below freezing temps and lots of snow. I guess we must all enjoy what we have and worry about what comes later....later!
I remember the year Chanukah fell on the same day as Thanksgiving. Today I was curious about how often Chanukah and Christmas collide. Notwithstanding the 8 days of Chanukah which would mean it happens very often, it is rarer for the first night of Chanukah to fall on Christmas Eve or day. According to vox.com, That only happens every 15 years or so!
You can read the article at https://www.vox.com/2016/12/20/14010130/hanukkah-christmas-same-day Just an interesting piece of trivia!
Whatever day Chanukah actually falls on, it is a joyous celebration of our Jewish heritage!
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