Are you ready for Purim 2015?
We are snowed in here in Chicago. Despite being a lifelong Midwesterner, I dont like driving in the snow, especially trying to parallel park! Despite the cold and snow, I am dutifully going to work. Purim is only a few weeks away and someone has to create the baskets. I wonder who?
Our new baskets arrived yesterday
and I am very excited about our spring planters. Pictures will be uploaded to
our site within the next few days. It lifts my spirits to look at the flowered
pots and think spring, when there are 2 feet of snow outside.
Our Hammentashen are on order, the
Purim chocolates are on their way, and the warehouse gets deliveries every day.
The new baskets will be uploaded to the site in the next few days.
For those of you who are following
Michael’s youtube posts, I have uploaded our most recent video about Purim.
Feel free to tell him to get a haircut!