What are you cooking for the Nine Days?

Every year these 9 days between Rosh Chodesh and Tisha B'Av pose an interesting dilemma. What to cook for dinner that is Milchig, Dairy, yet nutritious and filling? Once I have made a pasta dish, fish and eggs, I am left trying to come up with an idea that is not monotonous and doesn't leave me checking the fridge for something more.

So I made pasta last night, tonight is tilapia and perhaps tomorrow will be stuffed potatoes. Then what? Check out our delicious shelf stable smoked salmon. A half pound box of salmon is a rare treat. No matter how hot is gets outside, you do not need to heat up the house with the oven on in order to prepare this tasty fish. Pair it with crackers, bagels or salad, and you can feed the family with ease.

Its also perfect for after the fast. You can start eating the minute the fast is over!

Not a fish kind of person? then try one of our 4 dairy or vegetarian meals, pasta with garden vegetables, cheese tortellini, vegetarian stew and florentine lasagna. Each shelf stable meal comes ready to microwave. Just 2 minutes and you have a hot meal in a cool house! 

Not quite what you are looking for? We have a huge selection of cookies, flavored pretzels, candies and nuts that will not melt in the heat, and add some fun to your day. While not all of our cookies and pretzels are listed on the site, just give us a call and we will tell you whats new and whats fresh!.

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